RIP Naruto & Big Balls – You Will Be Missed #shorts #goats #rip

We lost 2 goats to a coyote attach. Our new buck and one of our ladies were taken from us. The sisters are quiet. They never are.

RIP Naruto & Big Balls – You Will Be Missed #shorts #goats #rip

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Fully Autonomous Lawn Mower, Trimmer and Fertilizer Spreader – Goats

We got us 4 new goats for the Central Texas property that we will be using around the shop and upper 4 acres to keep the grass down and breed more goats. These nannies should do great.

#goats, #goat, #autonomous, #mower, #lawnmower, #trimmer, #fertilizer, #spreader, #maintenance, #lawnmaintenance, #compost, #farm, #ranch
Fully Autonomous Lawn Mower, Trimmer and Fertilizer Spreader – Goats

As an Amazon Affiliate Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no cost to you. This video is for entertainment purposes only. SeidelRanch videos may contain paid sponsorships.